Saturday, 22 June 2013

people keeps and keeps leaving...

The fact that I'm specially sensible too the speed in which everyone I know seems to be leaving Cork may or may not be caused by M.'s absence this week. She knows how to make herself missed, you see.
But that doesn't mean it is not an objective fact.
People are indeed leaving, and it is worse than I thought it would be...
At the begining, it was people that had came to stay for a few months (like me) and that were OK with leaving when the time came (unlike me. How are they psychologically able to get out of this place? Has Murphy no strength over them?).
But now...
People I had taken as an idiosyncratic part of Cork are leaving too. S., and most of all E. God, E. is leaving Cork, and everything seems to lack logic now.

And now... now it is me who is stuck here, ...
When everyone leaves, M. will have a boyfriend and I will be stuck in a city that I love and that I don't want to want to leave but I wont have a life, and it is already starting to feel depressing.

But I'm fighting it hard.

However, as a positive point, today's Writing Group meeting has been very nice, and it wasn't even an actual session but just a meeting :) And also, because little A. is leaving too I met her in Thursday and it was very nice! And she got to come to D&D because it was her last chance (to have an opinion about E. :P) and I think it was a specially pleasant one! I got to chat with a few people who are very very nice but with whom I don't normally chat because... I don't normally talk to anyone... and it felt ood and warm...

And well, I thought that, even if the city is emptied of the people I love, those great gatherings of awesome people will still be working and they will always feel warm, because they are what make this city my city, and that the sunset will always look amazing from the living room's window, and that Cork will always have the Lee in the middle, and that the memories I made with those people will never fade, because that's my brain for you.

On a funny note:
So today in the writing session I was talking to this Croacian girl, T, and we ended up talking about languages in Spain and she asked me about Basque and I told her that you can't understand it no matter how good your Spanish is, since it is not related it, and she said "Ohh so I understand everything now, that's why you don't have and Spanish accent when you speak English!!" And I was like "Ermh... no.". God, the Basque accent may be the only one worse that the Spanish one when it comes to speaking English xD