Saturday, 12 April 2014

Pet Turtles

It's been around ten days that I actually left Ireland but I never got to write a (temporary) goodbye post.

I actually hand wrote along, detailed text on my last Sunday there after saying "bye" to R., explaining everything I felt and why I did so, planning to post it here afterwards, but everything changed so much on the next day that both my feelings and my plans became suddenly obsolete. So that text is somewhere in a box at E.'s house now (thanks for that again ;) )

So just to explain: life's a bitch, and I had to leave Ireland. I won't post hereuntil I go back, or at least until I've got some information regarding when I'll be back (end of the summer seems most likely now, with hopefully a visit before that, maybe in June).

So yeah, I terribly miss everyone, blah blah blah, but I'm doing ok(ish) here anyway, blah blah blah, see you soon.