Monday 22 April 2013

Lovely Little Life of Mine

There has been way too much stuff going on on my life during the last few days, all with leaving my family and staying at M.'s for a week and the (yeah! It actually happened!) moving to the apartment and so, but I didn't have internet for quite a while and then, well, I don't have that much peace and spare time anymore either!

So the week with M.'s family was very nice. They are incredibly nice people (of course this is obvious enough, given that they let me stay with them...), making plans and checking stuff and feeling like adults but not quite being adults.

Then, the day came. Saturday the sixth. I can't elieve it's been that long already. And it feels like I've been here my whole life at the same time. I think this is what normally happens when you count days, at least it's what I felt when I counted the days at the begining of my aupair experience. Then I counted the weeks. Then I stopped counting. Anyway: 16 days since we came to the apartment to meet the lady from the agency and the landlord, to sing the lease agreement, from the back door. We intended to use the front door but... we didn't know were it was and... we planned to arrive with plenty of time so that we could look for it but we kept meeting people on the streets... and we were too exited about everything not to stop and tell them... so we came in from the garden door, were there was this trembling old man cutting the grass. I noticed there were wind strawberries mixed on it. Joy.

The gardener happened to be our landlord, everything ran smoothly (probably due to our lovely lady costumes) and, in less than an our, both of them left from the front door. We live in one of the comparatively few places in the word were you need to go up to get out from the front door. I love it.

So, first thing, we double-checked what we needed to buy and we decided that duvets and sheets and pillows were the priorities. Oh and the coffe maker to. Then, we went out to see what our front door looked like and what could we find in W. Road. Well, there's a sushi take away. Just saying, like.

So we went to the an lár and met some more lovely people to share our exitement with, and then bought our stuff, and then went back home with atching feet and ridiculously big bags, and I broke the handle of the coffee maker, but we did have a coffee, M. in her purple cup an dI in my green cup.

Because yeah, there was a brand new set of cups and they were green and purple. This city is seriously making it hard for me to believe in chance.
We didn't do much (well, we teorized a lot) that first day (J. And M1 called in :) thankyou girls for being our first visitors :) ) apart from a stuff-that-you-can't-live-with shopping that we got home by the means of vandalism.

Sleeping here for the first time felt both weird and logical. It alse felt yoky when, during the throughoutful cleaning session of the next day, we found some stuff that I'm not going to mention here.
So that was all we did on sunday, yeah, C L E A N I N G.

The next step before we could become full adults was waiting. For everything (my PPS, a meeting with the lady of the agency, a bank account, K. ...) but that deserves a full entry for itself.

On this one, I want to leave you with the the sensation of inner peace felt by me when, while having luch at our favorite restaurant to celebrate this step, soap bubbles were floating on the streets, and love was walking past us on them too.

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